Monday, August 26, 2019

SU: Spanish (pronoun) her

ELLA: Spanish (noun) she

Hello there, happy Monday!

So I took a little vacation last week and did not put up a new post. I was taking a mini-vacay from homework and the blog, but I'm back.

A little more background about LATINXS&CHINGONXS; The whole point about this monthly "segment" is to talk about my favorite LATINXS, not only shops but those who support the Latinxs community.

Me as a Latina I want to give to my gente, I want to support those who hustle, those who had a dream and they made it a reality. Because the sun shines for everyone.

Also, I support those brands, who share my beliefs and give to my gente. Those who are the voices of the ones unheard. The ones who educate others about our cultures. The ones proving that we are CHINGONXS. Okay, now drumroll, please... 
Today's spotlight goes to:


Su Ella has a special place in my heart. I came across their brand as per usual, on those late scrolling thru IG nights.
The shirt that caught my attention the most was one with the RITA & FRIDA & CELIA & SELENA design. I admire those women. 
I grew up singing to Selena's songs. I grew up dancing la Negra Tiene Tumbao de Celia. I grew up admiring Frida's paintings and I used to watch Rita Moreno on TV. I felt identified with those women. My whole life I grew looking up to them. So when I saw the shirt I knew I had to get it! 

For me is important that brands launch products that make us feel included, feel empowered, that they keep reminding us where we come from. How important is to be proud of our roots, and countries. A lot of people compliment my shirt, they love it!

what is su_ella?  

On their words: 


su_ella is the story of two girls, Latina of course, born and raised in NJ who have been friends drawn together for years by their love for creative arts and fashion.  Never realizing where God was leading them...

The idea came together in July of 2016, when Jisely Jimenez asked Lian Amado for her opinion on a tee, in the girls' usual manner. The idea to create a shirt with freedom and unlike anything seen before led the ladies of su_ella into talk of who they want to empower them. July is the month celebrated by all Frida Kahlo lovers, fed their desire to be different and to represent girls who are more like them.

 What's their goal?

Their goal now is to make dope Mujer gear that pushes Latinas to be bold, creative and to remind them of who they are! Lian (Cuban & Spaniard) and Jisely J. (Dominican), together as su_ella, they draw from the Latin women who have paved the way for them, to inspire the new generation of Latinas to come! 

"Our dream is to keep adding to our list of Latin Legends and to eventually be on it too. We just want to see more of us when we're talking about history."

Saucing up the world, one Latina at a time!

For our Mujeres, ❤

su_ella | by Lian & Jisely J

Info is taken from su_ella's website. Not my words.

Want to know more about them?

Follow su_ella's social media:
IG: @su_ella


Stalk the creators:
Lian Amado: @lianamado
Jisely J: @jiselyj 

Su_ella has expanded its product selection since I started following them. They have a wide variety of tees and sweatshirts. They now have a tote bag and a pin. And they sell the most adorable books for kids, illustrated by Jisely J.

I have a little niece who was born here in the US, but she's half Dominican, half Mexican. She has the most beautiful hair. Those bouncy soft curls are to envy! I want her to embrace those curls. That Pelo malo as some people call it. su_ella has this book called Curls & Cartoons, I want to buy it for her, so she knows her hair is beautiful no matter what, and that she's going to make everyone move as those curls bounce them away. 

Su_ella represents their Dominican & Cuban culture, but they make any Latinxs feel included. On top of that, they show appreciation for their faith, they have a fe (Spanish for faith), and a Papa Dios (God Father) shirts.

They are all about empowerment no matter where you came from, you have a place. SHOW YOUR CULTURE! I love that su_ella is an all-inclusive brand because no matter what gender you are you can still rock their products!

What I own from su_ella?


Buy the shirt here on sale $17.50 USD.

Model's IG: @empanadadefresaa


Buy the shirt here $25.00 USD.

Shades from:@quayaustralia

High Key/Black Fade

Su_ella Pin

Buy here $10.00 USD.

Thank you su_ella for making me feel empowered. For making me feel like a legend.
I have a little surprise for y'all! su_ella offered to give a discount code to all my readers! 

Go support their shop and
All caps! 
Discount code valid until December 31st, 2019

I really hope you enjoyed this post. And you will go support su_ella. Do not forget to use the hashtag #Latinxs&Chingonxs #Suella  

 The purpose of the Latinxs & Chingonxs is not to review the brands, but to give a shout out to all the great Latinxs brands out there! See you next month with another Latinxs & Chingonxs entry!




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Products have been purchased by me, this is my own honest opinion

Links WITH * are affiliate links. I make a commission with every purchased.


Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Happy Wednesday, 
as per usual today I am sharing with you a few of my favorite things for the past month. 

Hope you enjoy the blog post, and let's get started:

1. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck- Mark Manson.

 "A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life".

I know the title of the book is a little interesting per se. Do not get thrown off. Wait, let me tell you why you should read this book. A little of backstory, I was at Target one night (I know shocking, me at Target). Anyway, back to the story. I saw the book, and I was always intrigued by the book, so  I looked it up on Amazon to see if I could find it for less and I did. I got it the next day cause of Amazon prime! So it has been a week since I got it and I'm almost finished with the book. It is a great book. It gives you another outlet in life. Basically, it tells you what to really give an F about. I really recommend you read it. It's an easy read, with a really blunt way of telling stuff. If you are too sensitive for this, just stay away!

2. Aussie 3 Minute Miracle Moist- Deep  Conditioner.

Since I dyed my hair back in July I needed a deep conditioner to help maintain my hair healthy. And since all I do to my hair is wash it, let it air dry and brush it, I do not need millions of products. I rarely use heat on my hair. This product keeps my hair hydrated and without the frizz. I use it once a week all over my head like you're supposed to use a deep conditioner and the rest of the days of the week I used it as a regular conditioner, from mid to end. It does a good job. 

Buy here $2.99

3. Tempt Me/ Amazon One Piece Swimsuit- G-Floral. 

Although I did not spend much time at the pool this summer, and I only went to the beach once. I decided it was time for a new swimsuit. I got this one for $25 with free 2-day shipping with Amazon Prime. Anyway, I love it! It's cute, but not too showy. It is comfortable since it's a once piece you can swim with the confidence nothing is going to show. I decided to use a short over it because I was spending the day a the beach with my fam. I got in a Large and it fit good, not too tight, not too baggy. I decided to get it because of the wonderful reviews and because Amazon offers free returns. Also, I forgot to mention, the design its pretty good if you are self-conscious because it kinda hides "problematic areas". Remember al body shapes are beautiful, and you should wear anything you like. 

Buy here $25

4. Kiss Ever EZ Lash Adhesive- Clear.

False eyelashes were always a tricky subject. But I finally mastered the false eyelash field! I always thought I was the dumb one, and I wouldn't be able to put on false eyelashes until I realized it was the glue I was using. I am not going to mention it because it's a cult favorite and I don't want to get bashed. Back to the glue, well for starters, my eyelid does not react well with latex, so I was on the hunt for a latex-free eye glue. I heard the Revlon was a good one but I could not find it. Anyway after stumbling many videos of "how to put false eyelashes on" I found this gem the Kiss lash adhesive. After some times practicing and getting comfortable, I conquered it! I finally could apply eyelashes without getting the glue everywhere, and without gluing my eyelids together. The applicator is super helpful because it applies the right amount, this prevents the mess. Also, the color changes when it's ready to apply. And it holds your lashes all day! Even in hot/humid weather. I can not say enough good things about this eyelash glue. If you're struggling with the false eyelashes application give this lash adhesive a try, you won't regret it.  

Buy here $4.99

5. Aloe Vera Gel - Fruit of the Earth.

The only time I went to the beach this summer I got sunburn as usual. Aloe vera gel is always a must for me! All year round! Because I use it when my skin is feeling dry. Any brand is okay, just look for !00% aloe vera gel with no colorants and no alcohol. This one I got at Walmart. Aloe vera can be used for many things 


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Products have been purchased by me, this is my own honest opinion. 

Links WITH * are affiliate links. I make a commission with every purchased. 


Friday, August 9, 2019

5 Ways to save up money this upcoming Back to School.

The picture was taken from the Millennial Loteria website. 

Welcome to Frugal Friday's! I wanted to give my blog a twist, and share with you more lifestyle tips. I want my blog to go beyond beauty and makeup. As many of you already know I am a college student. I pay my tuition out of pocket, so money gets tight from time to time, and if I do not manage it right, I'll be in big trouble. A little background story; I have a part-time job, I am a part-time student, and I sometimes make a little extra cash by selling some crafts. I am blessed enough not to worry about rent or food money most of the times. But when I can I help with the groceries, and with items that need to be replaced around the house. There are fixed expenses that I have every single month, like my car payment, insurance payment, tuition. I learned that is better to be prepared than sorry. So I'll share with you 5 ways I implement to help me save some money. 

Summer is almost over, and before you go back to school, hope you keep these tips in mind.

1. Make your coffee at home.

I can't stress this enough. If you need your coffee every day. Stop buying the coffee! I learned to see the money I spend on unnecessary things in the long run. Like for example if you spend $10 on coffee per week, make that $40 every month, now make that $480 on coffee every year. See now that adds up. Most of us already have a coffee maker at home, and If you do not, don't drop a big amount of money of a fancy one, just get a cheap one, buy some reusable coffee filters, your favorite coffee and creamer. And learn to give you sometime in the morning to get ready and prepare your coffee, that way you do not rush out the door and end up buying coffee. In the long run, it will not only save you some money but it will help the environment with all the coffee cups you won't be wasting.

2. Buy or rent used books.

I do not get financial aid. That's a story for another time folks. Anyway, I pay tuition out of pocket, so that means I have to pay for my books too! My first semester I had money saved up and my dad helped me a little so I dropped a couple hundred on my new books. After that I was like this is a waste of money (call me cheap or whatever). But man, it hurt to drop money on books that I used for a semester than after that they were just collecting dust under my bed. Later I found out you could buy used books or even better rent them! Since then that's what I have been doing unless I have to buy a program or an online access code. I know for sure college bookstores offer used books for rent or sale, but if you have a little extra time to do your research, try Amazon, and Barnes & Noble. They often offer books for so much less! But, be careful if you decide to rent them and be aware of the return date, so you do not end up paying late fees.

3. Join rewards programs & memberships that offer discounts to students.

Nowadays almost every store has a rewards program you can join for free, and they even give you discounts or points if you download their app. Take advantage of that. If you find yourself spending money already there then use that to your benefit, you'll end up getting points that will score you rewards money or free items. Places like Chick-fil-a give you points that can get you free food. Ulta gives you points that you can redeem to purchase an item. In the other hand before you sign up for a membership find out if they give a student discount. Amazon does! You end up paying half for amazon prime. If you get Spotify & Hulu with your student account you can pay less than $7 a month for both. But if you're a more coupon type of person I present to you UNYDAYS! Unydays is a platform you have to sign up with a student email, and you'll get coupons for around 10% off up to more stores like MAC cosmetics, UGGS, SAMS, etc. Lastly but not least ebates!  they give cashback for every online purchase, and if you link your credit cards, you can even get instore cashback. You just have to sign up and remember to use it. They are certain stores that do not use ebates, so you can download the browser add on so that ebates pops up every time you are shopping at an online store with cashback.

4. Use school resources.

I do not know if this goes for everybody, but my community college, gives free Microsoft suite to students, meaning if you sign up with your student info, you'll get MS Word, MS Excel and more for free, while you are a student. They also offer the adobe suite. This can save you a lot of money. Ask the IT department in your school, see if they offer any free software to students.
Use libraries, if you have to read a book for a class, check with the library first, this way you won't have to buy it. Use the school tutors, if you are having problems with an assignment, seek help, schools often offer free tutoring to students. 

5. Re-use old school supplies. 

Often we get involve in capitalism and we think we need to buy new stuff every semester. We don't. Chances are you have most of your supplies already lying around your house. As college students, we rarely have to buy school supplies, we mostly need a notebook and pens. Try to reuse stuff you already have, and give it a second chance, you will not only be saving up some coins, but you will be saving the planet by not creating a lot of waste. If you need to buy calculators, tablets or laptops, try second hand. Buy them used, you will save a lot of money, and most of the times they are in great condition. I got my calculator for $40 bucks instead of $100. 


If you find yourself buying the same snacks every day at school, buy them by bulk. You will end up saving a lot of money. If you buy a bag of chips for $2.00 at the commons and at the store, you can buy a box of chips for $6.00 and it comes with 14 bags. That is 0.42 cents per bag. You will have chips for 14 days of classes. Apply that to other snacks, such as protein bars, juice, candy! I know it might get tedious going to the store and buy them, but you will save up money. Meal prep! Get your lazy self out of bed and meal prep! Find easy cheap recipes on Pinterest, buy the food and meal prep for the week! The days I did this, I was not only saving up money, but I was maintaining my weight because I avoided fast food. Carry your reusable water bottle, this will help the environment, and you'll stop paying $2.00 for water.

College life is not easy, and we are for the most part broke, I am not saying my tips will get you out of debt, but they can certainly help you save some coins. Capitalism has us in this vicious circle of thinking we need everything new. Without thinking we end up creating so much waste for things we use a couple of times. Take advantage of being a student and score free stuff, or get discounts! Anyway, I really hope this post was helpful, and you implement these tips. If you have more ways to save up money let me know!
Read you later bye!



This post is not sponsored.
All opinions shared on brands, companies, and products are my own.


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Products have been purchased by me, this is my own honest opinion

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